The Jiva career guidance programme at Indira Gandhi Matric School, Dharapuram, was conducted successfully with active participation from students and parents. The highlights of the event are as follows:
The month of December was eventful for the Vivekananda Residential Tribal School, run by the Wayanad Girijana Seva Trust. Here are the highlights:
Key Events:
Paadhai, in partnership with Antharbhaava Foundation, is continuing its skill development initiatives to empower marginalized individuals - persons with disabilities - through vocational training. These projects provide skills that enable participants to achieve financial independence and social inclusion.
Skill Development Programs for 2024-25 focus on three key areas:
Channapatna school students and teachers completed a Three-day Science Camp at Agastya. Paadhai has been supporting Agastya visits for a few schools every year.
Paadhai has been actively engaged in a variety of initiatives across Wayanad. In collaboration with Wayanad Girijana Seva Trust (WGST), a dedicated field-level NGO, we’ve successfully addressed critical needs in areas like Tribal Education, Skill Development, Training, Production Center activities, Community Health, and Emergency Relief. Here is a recent Monthly Report from WGST
Agastya visit of Dharapuram school students ... a short video
Health Care – Dispensary Support for Wayanad (Niravilpuzha):
Continuing our commitment to health care, Paadhai will provide ongoing support to the dispensary in Niravilpuzha, Wayanad, ensuring that essential medical services reach those in need.
Enhanced Learning Environment (ELE) Activities:
In the realm of education, Paadhai's ELE activities for the first two quarters include connecting mentors with schools, continuing the engagement of Peer Volunteers (PVs) from Abu Dhabi school, and exploring the expansion of PVs for 2024 to involve schools in Sydney and our global network.
Training of Challenged Persons (Antharbhaava):
Antharbhaava, Paadhai's initiative for the holistic training of challenged individuals, progresses with the completion of baking training. Ongoing sessions in tailoring and gardening are underway, empowering individuals with diverse abilities.
Documenting Native Knowledge of Herbs and Medicinal Plants:
In collaboration with Sarjapura Curries, Paadhai initiates the documentation of native knowledge concerning herbs and medicinal plants. The objective is to create a comprehensive record, laying the foundation for a small herbal farm dedicated to tribal school children, providing both education and practical training.
GIS Products for NGOs:
Collaborating with JungleScapes, Paadhai will help customize GIS products for effective project monitoring, management, and reporting of Lantana removal in the Bandipur, Mudhumalai, and Wayanad Forests. Another initiative where GIS could be of help is in Mariamma Trust's efforts to reward Tiger-Kills, enhancing conservation efforts.
Over 30 students from a local institution will join Paadhai as volunteers for 6 to 8 weeks during this period. These enthusiastic students will be actively involved in various projects, contributing their skills and energy to both Paadhai's initiatives and associated NGOs' projects. We are also forming a Peer-Volunteering group for the school year 24-25
Paadhai remains committed to making a positive impact in healthcare, education, and community development, and we appreciate your continued support in achieving these goals. Together, we can create lasting change and empower communities for a brighter future.
Introduction to Edible greens and wild vegetables: We shall start our day with a forage walk into our naturally grown farm to identify various varieties of edible plants and wild vegetables.In this session we want to share knowledge about our philosophy of saving seeds. In this session we also want to share about heirloom seeds and its benefits for the ecosystem of this region.
This year, Paadhai supported Ahum Trust on their arts and crafts initiative. Kalakrida, is a community arts workshop for the children studying in government schools.
Check out thei report
Kalakrida Report
With focus on STEM, Arts and crafts are often left behind. Worked with AHUM to offer students, from Government schools, Summer camps where they could learn two art forms of their choice
Skill and educate trainees and teachers in handling Autistic children – this was done in the Stem lab of Colors NGO
Rural Community Trust runs a home for poor and needy children. Paadhai supported them on this year’s uniforms and educational material
Deskits: Backpacks that can turn in to small desks. Very useful for rural children who don’t have tables or desks, at home. We made 200 of these and distributed to 6 of our ELE schools
Continued our support for the Women Empowerment program of Desh Seva Samiti(DSS). This is a grievance redressal cell within Mumbai police stations operated by DSS for over a decade
Thanks to all our donors and volunteers, in these efforts.Paadhai MEET – On 4 Feb 23 (Saturday) we organized a MEET. This was a friendly ‘getting to know each other’ kind of MEET. More than 50 people, from different parts of India, participated.
The idea was to give various stakeholders (volunteers, associated NGOs, Project teams, beneficiaries, donors and well-wishers) a chance to meet and interact. We also had an online session where short presentations were made. Overall, it was a fantastic evening.
We thank all participants – physical and online. Looking forward to increased project activities.
Introduction to Edible greens and wild vegetables.
Organized by Paadhai, Bangalore
Event handled by Suresh Kumar
One of Paadhai donors organized Laptops for Wayanad school. They are all set now.
Introduction to Edible greens and wild vegetables: We shall start our day with a forage walk into our naturally grown farm to identify various varieties of edible plants and wild vegetables.In this session we want to share knowledge about our philosophy of saving seeds. In this session we also want to share about heirloom seeds and its benefits for the ecosystem of this region.
Event Date: July 31, 2022
Event Timings: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Sarjapura Curries Farm, Sarjapura, Bangalore
Organized by Paadhai, Bangalore
Event handled by Suresh Kumar
The tribal school in Wayanad had a tough time, due to Covid lockdowns, the last couple of years. This year, they have started ahead of time with students streaming in.
Paadhai constructed a Training and Production center, last year, with generous donation from Dr Raguram, our trustee (single contribution to cover the entire cost). This center was inaugurated in March 22 and would be actively put to use in the current academic year only. We look forward to working with the school on ELE activities as well.
Paadhai supported many schools and communities, online, in 21-22. Our volunteers handheld teachers and students with content and mentorship.
Areas of support included curricular and non-curricular subjects, for mainly secondary levels as well as a few generic, school level programs.
This year, we would support a lot more. Content for primary and secondary levels, programs in Inclusive education, experiments and field visits and several adhoc programs.
During the Covid time, Paadhai worked with tribal women in Wayanad. Along with WGST, we trained these women using the tailoring equipment available at the residential tribal school(which was closed, due to back to back lockdowns). They produced masks and bags. Many known organizations and friends bought these.
The whole exercise of designing and requirements specification happened online. The team ramped up in a few months so as to handle steady delivery of orders. One area where requirements kept coming is for Gift bags for companies and Thaamboolam bags for weddings. Most of our well-wishers order such bags for their children's weddings. Feel free to get in touch with for your requirements.
Activities across various schools/institutions
Paadhai, along with another local NGO, has initiated an ambitious Women empowerment project called STREE 2022 (She Transforms Routine to Equitable Entrepreneurship) . We plan to identify and mentor 300 women entrepreneurs in three states - Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. This is a huge effort. Based on our earlier efforts in such rural and tribal projects, we are confident. Look forward to participation from all friends, volunteers and donors
STREE-2022 Concept notePaadhai’s ELE Program has seen wonderful progress and success since its inception. Much of this credit goes to our volunteer educationist and enthusiasts. Here is a glimpse of the Activities and Modules for 2021-2022 :
Learning through Peer groups is something that Paadhai has been strongly advocating in schools. We offer content and computers, so that schools can create an ambience where students can ‘Learn themselves’. These content are made available, after school hours and peer-groups are formed, so that they could learn from their class mates.
Recently, volunteers – mostly high school students - from California (US) offered to teach English language to Indian students. We started this ‘Peer Volunteering’ project for Channapatna, where students get-together and are on training sessions online, under the supervision of mentors and teachers. The whole group is divided into many sub groups, where teams are allocated break-out rooms. This actual interaction would be at the peer level and is mostly one-to-one.
Paadhai often works with other organizations – field-level NGOs for effective implementation and specialized teams for their skills and value addition. On ELE projects, we collaborate with NGOs to ensure higher benefits reach as many learners as possible.
Paadhai’s ELE Program has seen wonderful progress and success since its inception. Much of this credit goes to our volunteer educationist and enthusiasts. Here is a glimpse of the Activities and Modules for 2021-2022 :
Farming is a great way for children to learn life skills. As real-world experiential learning currently remains limited by circumstances, Paadhai works on filling this gap wherever possible. The Rotary School in Channapatna is involved in a UN project on Framing Techniques and the school chose the topic of ‘Vineyard and Wine-Making’. Paadhai, through its network, connected the school to a vineyard in Brazil - The Terazzos Vineyard in Sao Paulo owned and run by Mr. Fabio Nascimento.
Mr. Nascimento conducted two sessions. The first one was on Farming– cultivating grapes - while the second one covered Wine Making. These sessions were very useful for the students and were enjoyed by all participants. Here are the recordings of these sessions
I. ELE session on Farming Techniques – Grapes (Oct 21) -
II. ELE session on Farming Techniques – Wine Making (Oct 22) -
Paadhai’s outreach program has benefited several rural and remote communities including the one in Villupuram. In addition to ad hoc support over the years for Rural Community Trust (RCT) in Villupuram, Paadhai has sponsored and facilitated the distribution of study material/notebooks for the children to enable their right to education. Several after school training programs in English and Computers have also been undertaken for all students in this home run by RCT.
Key areas of support to RCT include infrastructure improvement, access to running water and salaries of operational staff, from time to time. Last year, Paadhai assisted them with Security Cameras and this year(2021), we are providing the home with Power back-ups.
As a part of our Enhanced Learning Environment (ELE) programs, Paadhai handholds schools and communities with content and mentorship. Our main focus is to train and equip the teachers, so that they could educate their students better. The content that we create or curate is audio-visual in nature, so as to make learning interesting. Check out more on ELE...
Paadhai uses and curates content of other NGOs as well (ILP, is worth mentioning here). These curated content (open source) are made available, freely, to all.
ELE mentors conduct orientation sessions to schools to introduce our content, to their teachers. You can watch one such session here-
Paadhai worked with BCD, a Swiss organization, and a couple of other Indian NGOs to import and distribute Non-Invasive Ventilators (NIV) to hospitals in India. We had two rounds of these requiring efforts in identification of beneficiaries, import, logistics and support.
Over the past months, over 50 NIVs have been given to 20+ hospitals. There was an online session to get the feedback from the doctors on these COVIDAIR Ventilators.
One of Paadhai’s projects, Enhanced Learning Environments (ELE), provides curriculum content, learning tools and mentoring support to schools and teachers. This is accomplished by handholding teachers to effectively deliver all these in a classroom environment.
ELE has been scaling up rapidly, with volunteers from different parts of the world – from Sydney to Seattle and Sao Paulo to Neuchatel. Our volunteers are all well educated people and as the ELE support is delivered remotely, they’ve been eager to actively participate. Right from their own homes, and by committing only an hour or two per week, they are able to add immense value to this program. In August, we have a couple of sessions introducing ELE to new volunteers.
James Koenig, one of the founders of Paadhai, passed away. He was a wonderful human being – compassionate, peace-loving and highly invested in Social causes. Here is an Eulogy from our Managing Trustee.
It’s with a heavy heart I remember, celebrate and pay tribute to the life of an amazing man and my dear friend, James.
The devastating Tsunami of South Asia was the one that connected us. James, along with some others, had raised funds but were unsure of the best way to direct those funds. The interactions that followed, about long term rehabilitation as opposed to one time support, planted the seeds of a friendship that was to last for decades.
Both being strong advocates for social causes, James and I decided that we explore the possibility of setting up a charity that focused on change – one that would look at need as it arose and work outside the box to promote independence and sustainability for individuals and communities living in the most vulnerable of circumstances.
The charity known as Paadhai (path, in Tamil) was born. From then on, for many years, James and I met every few months working on projects for rural and tribal communities in India. James acted as the Managing Trustee for Paadhai, Switzerland. He, Michelle and Laure spent a lot of time on our projects and were even in India for a few weeks, visiting project sites. A moment that will always be memorable for me, was when James organised a fundraising orchestral performance in Victoria Hall Geneva, made up of 100 volunteer violinists from his choir. Wayanad tribal school was the beneficiary of this heart-warming event - Paadhai could set up a corpus for them.
It was no surprise to me that James built his professional career around supporting those less fortunate. He was passionate about opening the doors to possibilities for children living with disabilities. I’ll be forever grateful to him for having provided the opportunity to organise and participate in a trek with the children and carers from his institution. A truly inspirational experience for me!
James Koenig was the essence of human kindness. He was a giver who lived his life with integrity and purpose. He was compassionate, peace loving and highly invested in social justice. We are all so much richer for having known him. His passing is indeed a great loss not only to his family and friends, but also to humanity. He will be most sorely missed.
What did ELE accomplish in 20 -21? |
– a quick summary |
SARA MIDDLE SCHOOL, a 50+ year old school, was facing the threat of closure, due to lack of basic infrastructure mandated by the Government. Paadhai sent out a request, a few weeks ago, and we got significant donations for this cause.
Sara School was primarily built to support the education of children of weavers who can't afford primary education, although it admits any child from a low- economic background. To date, this school has helped 7500+ children get educated!
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